Month: January 2020

40Yrs Hashing Meet n Greet Prelubes 24.01.2020

40Yrs Hashing Meet n Greet Prelubes 24.01.2020

Meet n Greets Friday January 24, 2020

REEF HOTEL If you’re staying in town for Friday night, then the Reef Hotel, Noosa Dve, Noosa is the place to be. We’re meeting from 5.30pm in the upstairs bar.

Parking could be difficult, so you might like to take advantage of the free holiday buses, especially the loop bus travelling in a clockwise direction from Noosa Junction to Noosaville then Noosa Pde to Hastings St and back every 15mins or so. Try downloading the Go Noosa App but using the Translink App seems to be more useful.

if you really want to bring your car, you could try behind the Events Cinema and in the J carpark for free parking.  IGA & Coles carparks are possibilities but we’ve been told they are getting rather vigilant with penalizing overstaying the 2hr limits in place. Better still get someone to drop you off & pick you up!!!

KANDANGA HOTEL On the other hand, if you’ve already set up camp at Kandanga, this is obviously the better option for you. Flexible arrangement. Keep your ears open for details.




Noosa H3 40Yrs of Hashing Celebrations- Captain’s Table Lunch 22.01.2020

Noosa H3 40Yrs of Hashing Celebrations- Captain’s Table Lunch 22.01.2020

Yet another optional social event as part of the Noosa H3 40Yrs Hashing Celebrations!

Captain’s Table Lunch hosted by none other than the Captain himself-Weak As

Date: Wednesday January 22, 2020

Host: Weak As

Venue: Izzy Chai Thai Restaurant (actually known as Izzy Chai Modern Asian Cuisine),  1/205 Weyba Rd (shops next to Aldi), Noosaville

Map Ref:,153.0699022,675m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b936919b83afa1f:0x665cf56013cb9fe5!8m2!3d-26.4040706!4d153.0720909

Start: 1pm

Cost: $15 for banquet

BYO wine only, corkage $3/hd

Please confirm your seat with the captain, preferably by Tuesday January 21.

Weak As: 0424 001 584

Noosa H3 40yrs of Hashing- Sunset Cruise 21.01.2020

Noosa H3 40yrs of Hashing- Sunset Cruise 21.01.2020

Optional social event as part of Noosa H3 40Yrs Hashing Celebrations

Date: Tuesday January 21, 2020

Venue: Tewantin Marina, 2 Parkyn Ct, Tewantin

Follow the green feet left to dock

Map Ref:,153.0390412,675m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b9368ec584f1e4b:0xe366b5a72b35a196!8m2!3d-26.3943207!4d153.0412299

Cost: $10 + PAYG drinks (no BYO)  . BYO snacks or chips etc can be purchased onboard. Cash only. Please bring correct money for boat fare

Special Boarding Time: 4.30pm  (do not be late as boat leaves when full)

Drinkies at the wine bar afterwards for those interested.

Please note this is not a private charter, but a “first come first served” basis open to the public!

Contact Treadie on 0438 987 724 to indicate intention to participate if you haven’t already done so.


Run # 2084 20.01.2020 Foundation Run Prelube

Run # 2084 20.01.2020 Foundation Run Prelube

Run # 2084 Monday January 20, 2020

Hare: Speed Dog

Venue: Public Bar, Royal Mail Hotel, Poinciana Ave, Tewantin

Map Ref:,153.0370485,675m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m8!3m7!1s0x6b9368ed3c08de1f:0x549ea0669323f42e!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d-26.3914858!4d153.0392372

Start: 5.00pm for 5.15pm start (so food can be ordered)

Cost: $10  for “Burger & Beer” Deal (house wine or softie as options) choice of beef, chicken or vege. There will be cake!

Pre-ordered commemorative shirts will be available for pick up.

Circle will be in RSL Memorial Park across the street from pub


Run # 2083 13.01. A Little Bit of Spain Comes to “The Kennels”

Run # 2083 13.01. A Little Bit of Spain Comes to “The Kennels”

Run # 2083 Monday January 13, 2020

A Little Bit of Spain Comes To The Kennels- a Different Type of Restaurant Run

Hares: Dog Turd & Woof Woof

Venue: The Kennels, 6 Upland Ct, Tinbeerwah

Map Ref:,+Tinbeerwah+QLD+4563/@-26.4203921,152.9984507,675m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b9365e483ad1e4d:0xb22aa26ec15fc3e2!8m2!3d-26.4203921!4d153.0006394

Start: 5.15pm

Cost: $10