Hare/s: Committee
Venues: We will have 3 groups of up to 10 folk starting at 3 different locations as follows:
Group 1: Noosaville Fish Market cnr Hilton Tce/Ernest St, Tewantin
Group 2: Opposite Holy Mackerel on Gympie Tce, Noosaville
Group 3: Opposite Red Emperor, Gympie Tce, Noosaville
Each group will be “led” by a committee member & we’ll need to space ourselves out to meet requirements.
Start: 5pm
It will be a BYOG run. Pay for your own food or BYO. Please bring a chair and have a mask on your person.
Please note that the venues shut at between 7-7.30pm, so make sure you put in your orders to give staff plenty of time to process them.
We need you to reply to this email to indicate your attendance & preferred start venue. I’ll be allocating spaces on a first come, first dressed basis.
Please understand if you are not allocated your preferred venue. I’ll also be providing an overflow list if required.