Run #2230 – Monday 13 Feb 2023 AGPU

Run # 2230 Monday 13 February 2023
Hares: Kaffir & Committee
AGPU – Out with the Old, In with the New…
The unfortunate thing about being a ‘doormat’ is, eventually you must expire and get replaced! That’s exactly why we had to sack the old committee – a new hash day, a new hash start, a new committee! Many thanks to the OLD committee for organising a fab AGPU at chez Weak As with an abundance of 56 hashers attending. It’s amazing how many MIA hashers came out of the woodwork at this annual event – Chanter, Bin A While and Norbert to name a few. It was a very hot and steamy arvo/evening which did eventually cool down a tad with some light rain much later in the evening.
Kaffir was on strict instructions from the GM to set trail that would take a maximum of 45mins in order to get back for dinner. Kaffir wouldn’t let anyone else to mark off the checks, hence Recharge was seen going around in circles and doing extra runners and walkers loops – I thought he was a local?!
There was a runners loop around the Tewantin residences with plenty of checks, leading back onto the walkers trail and going through the abandoned Sundale Bella Noosa retirement centre site, Yellowwood Park, netball grounds and back home. Miele, who is Miss Bossy Boots’ Dad, couldn’t find trail at a check and was looking forward to more misdemeanours so he could drink more down down beers. Beams is the Energizer Bunny who just keeps on going despite a tumble in the park. It was a very pleasant 4.3km run which took half an hour with plenty of time to drink beer.
Weak As must’ve got the unlucky hasher award when he walked into a wasp nest. Why did the undercover cop throw a wasp nest at the drug dealer? It was a sting operation. Many thanks for the personal assistance of the sexy nurses that looked after him and sorted out the swollen bits.
There were a couple of namings for our more recent hashers: Josie is now known as Scrumpy (where traditional Cornish Scrumpy Cider is made) and Martyn was named Delilah (being Welsh, and Martyn is spelt with a ‘y’ – why, why, why Delilah…). Possum was reciting Christmas reindeers stories whilst Reverse Thrust was re-enacting bobbing apple rituals which managed to lose the hasher’s 10 seconds attention span.
And then…
The new committee was announced with Licker at the helm – congrats! Gradually, the revealing of the 2023 Committee are: GM – Licker, RA – All Fours; Hash Cash – Licorice Nipples and Recharge (filling in until she gets back); Web Meister – Next Week; Onsec – All Fours; Grog Master – Weak As (temp, then various unsuspecting hash volunteers on rotation!); Trail Master – Kaffir; Haberdashery – Bundy; Directors of Social Intercourse – Holy Smoke & Floosie; Songs Mistress – Possum.
Dinner was catered by Pete the Greek serving @ 7pm sharp – Greek Gyros with chicken, lamb and loaded fries. Desserts was baklava + an endless bucket! How good was that!
Thanks again to the OLD committee and the use of Weak As’ new concrete pad.