Run: #2277 – Mushrooms love humidity…
Date/Time: Monday 22/1/24, 5pm
Location: Noosaville
Hares: Lazy Prick & Hairy Mickey
It was a hot and steamy day, even at 5pm at the start of the run. As promised, the RA’s Anti-Rain app worked a dream and there was no rain whatsoever. Lazy Prick had planned a route that would be entertaining (obviously too much time on his hands!) with chalk scribbling messages along the way such as ‘All Fours Rest’ and ‘Nafa’s Tryst’ and a drink stop to rehydrate.
The trail took us over the Monks Bridge, through the Weyba Creek Busland Reserve, running parallel to the Noosa Springs Drive and past the Noosa Men’s Shed. We thought we should be heading back the other direction once we were climbing towards Noosa Heads. Fortunately, we turned towards Leslie Drive, along near Weyba Road to the Noosa Farmers Market where we cut through the Rococo Oval and – yay we were on our way home! It was only a mere 6.14km run but the humidity makes it much more challenging. Meanwhile, Licker was seen cooling herself down under the tap which was only a metre off the ground but she was up for a wet tshirt competition.
The walkers report was given by Biggles – man of a few words and all he managed was “it was OK”. Beams gave us a more comprehensive run report – full of twists & turns, heaps of checks, kept pack together, right distance, great territory, enough shiggy/bush/trails bits to make it interesting and a welcoming drink stop before we fainted in the heat. The map of the trail looks remarkably like a mushroom, what do you think of the pictures below?
The Down Downs were given to:
- Visitors: Jenny (Screamer’s younger sister)
- Returnees: Wheelie Bin (Laguna resident), No Crutch
- Be Prepared & Ride On – chatting along on the run when Be Prepared said “I can’t tell the difference between males &females” – apparently talking about the sex of a cane toad!
- Wheelie Bin & Treadie – comparing their pacemakers which they have given names to (Wheelie’s called Bin Larden or Little Otto?, Treadie’s called Gerry)
- Wetcheck & Kondom – after the run last week on her birthday they finally got home @ 9:45pm. While waiting for the tow truck to fill in time they were shagging in the back seat! (awww how SWEET!)
- Wheelie Bin & Blameless – Wheelie has hosted events at his previous property where the only directions to go left or right, but Blameless when straight ahead & landed in the water or ditch?
- Hoarder – wished her a Hashy Birthday
- Hashit Award – Beams for pushing all the slower athletes out of his way as he was going so fast he just couldn’t stop
- Reverse Thrust – he saw ducks lining the water, but he had his mind in the gutter telling Licker he had all his F**ks lined in a row
- Lazy Prick – doubter that the RA’s Anti Rain App wouldn’t be working, today was a beautiful day, may be a tad hot but no rain on the trail, until we got home in the evening @ 9pm
Then we were off to the Laguna Retirement Village, guided by Digit Digester standing guard at the entrance and ensuring the hashers wouldn’t deviate. Next Week was the only one who went for a dip in the very inviting pool while the hasher sat around drinking. Supper was then served at The Forum by Hairy Mickey with the assistance of Dolly (another Laguna resident).
Many thanks to the hares – Lazy Prick and Hairy Mickey! It was hot and steamy but we survived the weather and were glad we didn’t get fed those special kind of mushrooms for dinner!
On On
All Fours

Sydney Thirsty H3 – 1700th/Red Dress Run
Sydney Thirsty H3 – 1700th/Red Dress Run
Saturday 17th February 2024
Barracluff Park, Warners Ave, Bondi
Cum join us on this epic celebration:
We will have a large number of international hashers at this run before they jump on a cruise to NZ and Interhash.

Run: #2276 – A night of feasting @ the Peregian Mozzie Pond…
Date/Time: Monday 15/1/24, 5pm
Location: Peregian Springs
Hares: Beams
It was great to return to a run location where we haven’t been for a while and we know that the locals were definitely expecting us – the MOZZIES! Whilst Mozzie wasn’t physically there, she didn’t disappoint us with her large extended family out in force to feast upon the Hashers! I think the Duck Pond may need to be renamed to the Peregian Mozzie Pond…
The trail skirted in and out around the Peregian Springs housing estate with lots of checks, on backs, twists and turns that we felt we double backed on ourselves for most of the time. Many of the cul-de-sacs had paths that led onto different streets and took us around the Peregian Springs Golf course. The entire pack of 8 runners keep together and hot on their heels was an athlete in disguise of a walker – Top Down. She even admitted that she did a half decent time at the Park Run last weekend! Having said that, the remaining walkers didn’t do too badly either having returned to the bucket within the hour.
The run/fast walker report was given by Top Down – a very delightful 5km jaunty essentially around the Peregian Springs Golf Club which we managed to dodge some soggy grassy bits. There was no need for separate reports seeing Top Down was definitely an overachiever for the walkers but kept up with the runners. The FGM spruiked the ‘Not the Australia Day’ weekend away in Imbil which is only 2.5 weeks away. The following week is the AGPU where we have received 3 nominations for the next GMship. We are also encouraging/open for those who wish to be on the committee but not wanting to the GM role.
The Down Downs were given to:
- Visitors: Bleeding Down Below (Belgium Hash) and cousin, Just Sam (England) visiting her Father on the Sunshine Coast
- Lazy Prick – is next week’s hare but was being very doubtful of the RA’s Anti Rain App ability and is already preparing for his run to be a wash out like last time
- Wetcheck – birthday girl exactly today!
- Reverse Thrust got the Hashit Award for extracurricular activities on the run involving undoing zippers with teeth
Thanks for the trail and supper, all expertly done single handed by our hare Beams! We cleared and packed up the picnic area, leaving one poor gluten free sausage. Unfortunately, it wasn’t only the sausage left, it was poor Kondom and Wetcheck who had car troubles. They finally got towed and was home at 9:45pm. It wasn’t exactly the birthday that Wetcheck had wished for!
On On
All Fours
Run: #2275 – The Chicken Dance…
Date/Time: Monday 8/1/24, 5pm
Location: Yandina
Hares: Wetcheck & Kondom
Welcome to 2024! What a start to the new year, with a run in Yandina. There were even hashers who have never ventured there before for a run.
The trail took us around the Yandina Sporting Complex and skirting around town. Ironically, we crossed over Steggalls Road when Kaffir was seen chatting up a very good looking chick (a hen). This hen decided to follow him up the road for a while until she got a better offer and Kaffir had run off. Next, we zipped passed the Ginger Factory but we didn’t see the Gruffalo as we ran through the woods. As we ducked (no chickens were harmed) under the railway bridge, we headed along Old Gympie Road. At the round-a-about the FRBs namely Next Week, Beams, Nathan and Joel continued their climb up the steepish road with an elevation of more than 51 metres only to be told by Leach that the trail was meant to take a right turn. As Next Week was already at the top of the road, he decided to continue to loop back home.
The run report by Kaffir which was very informative yet we still got jeering from the rowdy disruptive hashers. Whistleblower gave the walkers report which she scored 10/10 – a very delightful introduction run for 2024 as we tried to work off our Xmas/New Year’s excesses. Our FGM gave a toast to our recently departed fellow hasher Band Aid who tragically lost her life during the Gympie storms. On On to Hash Heaven.
The Down Downs were given to:
- Visitors/returnees: Nathan (Licker’s son) and mate Joel – they also got another one for being the ‘young fit stallions’ at the start but soon ran out of steam and couldn’t keep up with the oldies
- All Fours tried to charge Boobs as there was a bloke that really looked like him waving to All Fours at the Noosa Civic, but that was a reverse charge
- Bedspringer – saw the very good looking hen on the side of the road and made some good chicken jokes about Kaffir being a chic magnet and why the chicken crossed the road
- Nafa got a charge from Nathan having ‘given him one from behind’ then smirked off on the run to take a short cut and walked back to the bucket
- Insultan thought he would spring clean the house, including cleaning the stove which was still hot that he burnt his fingers and couldn’t play golf or wank at the same time…
- Next Week got the Hashit Award for insisting on taking everyone up the hill as he had prior knowledge of the trail that he took an alternative route home
- Nathan, Joel, Beams, Next Week for leading everyone astray and ran an extra kilometre as they missed the arrows at the round-a-bout
- Red Knob apparently has a hole in his shorts but fortunately he was wearing underwear, only Licker was the only one who saw it – we don’t know why she was staring at his crotch in the first place…
Thanks to our first hares of 2024 Wetcheck & Kondom for the great trail (which wasn’t in Tewantin – surprise!).
On On
All Fours