Run: #2242 – From King’s Coronation to OBE awards…

Run: #2242 – From King’s Coronation to OBE awards…

Date: Monday 8/5/23

Location: Peregian Beach

Hare: Long Prong

Just as we were recovering from Saturday’s Coronation Pub Crawl and the celebrations of the long drawn out Coronation Ceremony shown on TV, we already have an award. The award is the OBE (Order of the British Empire) where the King awards the honour. Well, in this instance it was the hare, Long Prong’s 80th birthday OBE (Over Bloody Eighty)!

The trail started at the Peregian Park where we were instructed by the hare that the trail would be marked in white, blue, pink and magenta chalk. The walkers went off one direction and the runners in another. A big loop for the runners led us back near the start which was kind of in an ‘8’shape (if you squint your eyes). We ferreted around the Peregian Beach Park forages in the scrub trying to find trail. Nafa and Weak As went off towards the beach and that was the last we saw of Nafa! Finally, Next Week and Lech found trail through a building site, across the road and up a pathway.

We saw Weak As again who managed to do the long loop back from Lorikeet Drive while Miss Bossy Boots lead Kaffir and Jungle Jim back home after failing to find trail at the check. Lech, Beams, Next Week and All Fours continued the trail until we saw an arrow marked with ‘H’ and another with ‘B’. We took the ‘H’ trail home but was hoping that the ‘B’ could have been bucket rather than beach!

Lech gave the run report which he thought the trail was a little confusing with colour blinding, every colour of the rainbow chalk, but it did keep us all together! Long Prong was ably assisted by Dennis the Menace, but we weren’t sure who used which colour to set the trail.

We had a visitor, Jungle Jim from Sydney Posh Hash who had ran with Noosa Hash a long time ago. He only remembered that there was a large crowd and afterwards going back to someone’s house to watch porn on a Betamax! Whistleblower gets first dibs for the next time someone has to sit on ice as she was sliding on her backside during her walk in the National Park, however she managed to get all the splinters out. Top Down took the charge for Miss Bossy Boots who went home early as she invited us home while on the run but told us not to tell her Mum! Nafa got charged for being very quiet which is unlike him, so Kaffir and Possum sung him a Silent Night made up hash song. Dennis the Menace (who doesn’t actually have a real hash name – mmmmmm) said that he enjoys reading the Hash Trash but his wife enjoys it more! Apparently, this is where she finds out what he gets up to (he’s not the Messiah, he’s just a very naughty boy!).

Long Prong was awarded his OBE down down by Licker who said that she wants to be just like him when she reaches that age. Much to everyone’s protest that they don’t want her to start growing a beard or an appendage! With cool temperatures of 14oC, supper was cooked by Mrs Long Prong – chili con carne with extra chilli flakes on the side to warm us up and even an 80th birthday cake! Thank you very much hares – Long Prong and Dennis the Menace and Mrs Long Prong for catering!

BTW: just to see if you’ve been paying attention or even bother to read this run report, the trail tonight ran along twelve streets that are named after birds (Rufous, Kingfisher, Pelican, Ibis, Grebe, Plover, Shearwater, Jacana, Lorikeet, Oriole, Greenshank and Jabiru).

On On,
All Fours

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