Author: Onsec

NH3 NOT The Aussie Day Invitation Run 03-05 February 2023

NH3 NOT The Aussie Day Invitation Run 03-05 February 2023

Annual Aussie Day Invitation Run 03-05 February 2023

Details in the flyer (click on link below)  Registrations must be confirmed by Friday 20 January, 2023

Theme: Aussie Icons

Check out suitable accommodation (camping/vanning or other)  asap as it fills up very quickly


This document has both flyer & rego form & it’s in pdf.


Hinterland H3 Invitation 700th Celebration Run & Joint Run Noosa Larrikin H3 03.11.2022

Hinterland H3 Invitation 700th Celebration Run & Joint Run Noosa Larrikin H3 03.11.2022


Invitation to Hinterland H3 700th Run & Joint Run with Noosa Larrikins H3

Thursday 03 November, 2022

Hare: GM Larrikins Kaffir

Venue: Meet:Gazebo Dick Caplick Park, Memorial Dve, Eumundi

Nosh: Imperial Hotel, Memorial Dve, Eumundi (directly across the road)

Map Ref:,152.949333,687m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b9364c38d2f2f67:0x812cfa65deb5c839!8m2!3d-26.4750935!4d152.9515217

Start: 5.30pm

There will be no run fee for this run and we are a BYO hash.

Extra drinks & nosh after circle in Eumundi Hotel at your own cost.

*NB Please confirm your attendance directly to GM Mozzie at 

no later than Friday 28 October, 2022



Run # 2223 26.12.2022 Boxing Day Leftover Run

Run # 2223 26.12.2022 Boxing Day Leftover Run

Run # 2223 Monday 26 December, 2022

Boxing Day Xmas Leftover Run

Hare/s: Mystery Live hares

Venue: 31 Cullinane St, Tewantin

Map Ref:,+Tewantin+QLD+4565/@-26.3883178,153.0272174,687m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b9368902ca6346d:0x15b09d1329c9e7f8!8m2!3d-26.3883226!4d153.0294061

* Early Start: 3.30pm*

Casual run with BYO Grog, eating kit, non glass drinking vessel & a salad for yourself.  Nibbles, ham & dessert provided.

Note the much earlier start time of 3.30pm for this public holiday. Bring your swimmers & a towel should you wish to have a dip.

Run # 2221 12.12.2022 Joint Hash Clubs Xmas Run Hosted by SCH3

Run # 2221 12.12.2022 Joint Hash Clubs Xmas Run Hosted by SCH3

Run # 2221 Monday 12 December 2022

Hares: SCH3

Venue: Meet & Circle: Mari St Car Park, near SLSC

Map Ref:,+Alexandra+Headland+QLD+4572/@-26.6687684,153.1046411,343m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b937676f0d9fff9:0x3931f75c7d4cec51!8m2!3d-26.6681548!4d153.1059393

Each club is bringing their own buckets, so you need to confirm your attendance with our boozemaster to ensure he can stock the eskies well.

BYOG if you like

After Circle: Alex Headland SLSC

Map Ref:,153.1052424,685m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1

Start: 6.00pm

Cost of  $30/hd  covers run, pisstop, down downs and meal in the club

To be paid in advance to SCH3 by no later than Monday 05 December.

BSB 014512

Acct 110244938

Ref Xmas (+Hash name)

Flyer here    Joint Christmas Party 2022-1

Suggest we car pool. Arrange your lift now.