Date: Monday 31/7/23
Location: Noosaville
Hares: Next Week & All Fours
We gathered tonight on Sea Eagle Dr, Noosaville, in the school carpark. Many a run set from here, so lets see how our illustrious RA tackles this one. About 30 turned up for this one, and the weather was good, no signs of precipitation. Before the off, Next Week apologised in a nugatory manner, for a few ‘pauses’ in their marking and gave a lame excuse of the Council road sweeper brushing their well laid trail away. Hence, a short trail for the walkers but no one ever complains about it being too short!
The runners had their usual 2km loop added and the walkers were instructed to do their usual thing, which meant walk, talk and shortcut back to the bucket. We set off down Sea Eagle Drive to our first check, whilst Licker, Madcock and Kaffir, with Benny & Pepper in tow, looked for trail. ‘On left’ was the call from Digit, finding it hard to contain her excitement, that she was going in the right direction for once, without Sat Nav. Then we followed the well laid walking trail, that meandered through the rainforest, for what seemed an eternity, ‘till finally an easement thrust us back into civilisation. We wandered the streets of suburbia through streets which names I fail to recall. The small bunch of walkers at the tailend were enjoying this evenings exercise and had no bloody idea where they were. Minder was doing his very best to send people in the wrong direction, as he does best. Boobs tried to impress the harriettes, with his stiff leg but no one took the bait. DT and Woof Woof were nowhere to be seen on the run, or were they just a figment of my imagination? Eventually, we shuffled past Roobarb’s abode, not home of course, as she’s in ‘snap frozen yank’ territory ‘Newfoundland’ and we headed back to the chariots, for sustenance.
There was lot of ‘flapdoodling’ and ‘bavardage’ going on tonight, as the hash got slowly lubricated to a stare of temulency, in time for the circle. The hares of course got praised for a marvellous run and it was I guess, maybe, or maybe not depending on who you talked to, cos they’re a fickle bunch. The circle was formed and charges were in abundance and I think Recharge got more than his fair share and some even bewildered him. Boobs & Bundy for returning, after their long trek across Australia but if the truth were known they were camped in Pomona all the time ‘cos the tight bastards didn’t want to use to much petrol. ???? Breathless was charged by Licorice Nipples for doing an impersonation of a tree no less. We all know he boasts about his manhood often, so seeing his ‘woody’ would’ve been no surprise for Hash Cash. Kaffir was charged, for fucking up his own charge against Boobs by making him demonstrate his ‘stiffy’ (leg that is) by doing a lap of the circle. Kaffir admitted after his canard, that he just wanted a drink anyway. Other charges were for Madcock – a belated one, as the RA forgot last week and Be Prepared for returning. That’s all I can remember ‘cos the bloody Hash Cash stole back my piece of paper my notes were on – due to the fact, there’s no money left in the bank to buy her more and the new house she’s got was expensive to build.
The circle ended and we were given a wonderful gourmet interlude of spaghetti & meatballs – all handcrafted by Next Week and it was very tasty indeed! Great night as always for our illustrious hares, they should be thanked for doing more than their fair share. Then I f**ked off home to watch the cricket and soccer.
P.S. Matildas won 4 – 0! As for the cricket score, I think they still finishing off breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner…
On On
Ma’ Dog