Category: Previous Runs

Run: #2244 – a touch of déjà vu…

Run: #2244 – a touch of déjà vu…

A touch of déjà vu…

Date: Monday 15/5/23
Location: Tewantin
Hares: Screamer & Unremarkable

It’s the sense or feeling of having previously experienced something that really has been encountered before. Here we are back in Tewantin, Griffith Ave, fire, Ma’ Dog – there’s some sort of weird connection going on.

The moment we stepped out onto Griffith Ave, the runners and the walkers were already divided with the walkers going one way and the runners in the opposite direction. The runners did a massive 2.5km loop from Griffith Ave, Park View Ct, through the Heritage Park Bushland, Carramar St and Golf Course Dr. Fortunately, there were a number of runners: Nafa, Next Week, All Fours, Recharge, Lech, Beams, Miss Bossy Boots, Biggles and Lazy Prick as there many checks and on backs to contend with. From each check, the arrows were very sparsely marked for at least 500m apart until we counted 3 in a row to be on!

With the runners having done their first loop, there was another loop joining onto the walkers trail along Golf Course Dr, Harry’s Short Cut, Homestead Dr, through Daintree Park and back along Golf Course Dr to home. We did manage to catch up with Slurps and Possum who led us back onto trail over the creek. There was a surprise drink stop of ginger beer along the way, manned by Unremarkable who was a little delayed in getting to the drink stop as he was trying to light the fire but had to pour some white spirits onto it and left it with Screamer in charge. If I remember correctly, back in Feb on Ma’ Dog & Screamer’s run he also gave up with the rice half cooking and left it with Screamer to deal with it. Upon arriving home, there was a fabulous fire to welcome us – so warm and toastie!

Omo gave the walkers report – a very nice well marked run from virgin reporter to virgin hares while Beams gave the runners report. A most delightful run of 5.56km which took under an hour with the walkers and runners returning the same time.

Here’s some charges for the week:

  • Breathless tried to give ‘No Name Sue’ a name as he was showing us her bag packed full of everything – ready for all occasions. Perhaps some names along the lines of: Girl Guide, Boy Scout, Ready for Anything, Ready for Action, Mrs MacGyver?
  • Recharge had a gash on his forehead – not one but a fresh one in the same place when he walked into his metal trailer – didn’t he learn the first time?
  • Hashers absent for a while: Omo, Lazy Prick, Mad Dog and Floosie
  • Hashers away at Darwin Nash Hash: Licker (during the Red Dress run, an indigenous woman in the streets watching fancied an old overweight hasher’s red dress that she started to give chase, Holy Smoke (gave a synopsis of a well organised event, with the next one in Fremantle), Mother Trucker and Slurps
  • Red Knob who now proudly handles the Beer Meister duties, in his last haul of recycling cans and bottles from the hash p*ssheads was $400!  After trying the Lorry Boys beer, he thought was a bit ‘sissy’ and would rather drink VB – made for real men!
  • Raffle was won by Dennis the Menace (yet to be officially named!)

What a great night, great trail, great food (chili con carne to warm us on the insides), great fire and great company! I don’t know why Ma’ Dog was so worried for this virgin hare as Unremarkable had it all under control with Screamer in charge. Thanks for your hospitality!

On OnAll Fours

Run: #2243 – You’re invited to the Housewarming Party…

Run: #2243 – You’re invited to the Housewarming Party…

Date: Monday 15/5/23
Location: Tewantin
Hares: Ma’ Dog, Delilah & Scrumpy

With Bundy and Boobs away on vacation, Ma’ Dog had a very cunning plan of cleverly disguising a ‘housewarming party’ with a hash run! Even with the past few days of torrential rain, it didn’t dampen his enthusiasm of throwing the party of the year!

There were only the ‘hardy’ party hashers that turned up, not the wimpy ones that were afraid of getting their hair or shoes wet. Even Miss Belinda Snogs who’s not a regular Noosa Hasher came along. About ten minutes before the start, Nafa armed with chalk went out to reset trail. The hashers waited patiently for another twenty minutes until there was a slight clearing in the rain. The majority stayed behind as the Hash Bar was declared OPEN while the seven hashers that went for a quick stroll with umbrellas were: Woof Woof, Top Down, Miss Bossy Boots, Ride On, All Fours, Screamer and Unremarkable. A 2km around the block along Blackheath Dr, Furness Dr, St Andrews Dr, Linksland St and back home to Cambuca Ct. Sadly, trail that had been marked by Delilah and Ma’ Dog numerous times and remarked by Nafa was all washed out!

Returning from the walk, we could hear the stereo cranked up, blasting fab hits from the 70’s to the 80’s such as The Trammps – ‘Disco Inferno’, Talking Heads – ‘Burning Down the House’, Billy Joel – ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’, just to name a few. The housewarming party was just getting started, I hope the neighbours won’t complain too much…

Woof Woof gave the run report with a 10 out of 10 score! The stand in Song Meister was Next Week belting out a few down down songs for:

  • Biggles – he hasn’t been at the hash for ages but has promised that he will coming fortnightly
  • Nafa – reset trail but we all wondered when he would return (when he realised it was raining or when he ran out of chalk?)
  • Delilah & Scrumpy – virgin hares but were under the expert guidance of an old hand, Ma’ Dog
  • Woof Woof & DT – another lot of hashers off for 6 weeks holiday up North to Carpentaria, where no one is around (I guess they have to dispose the dead bodies somewhere right?!)
  • Ma’ Dog – celebrated his 71st birthday. In true style he spared no expense and offered port all around (the $6 bottle variety!)

A huge thanks for Ma’ Dog, Delilah and Scrumpy for hosting an awesome party and serving such scrumptious curries – these hashers have been spoilt.

One of my favourite songs that I haven’t heard in a long while until tonight, was pumping from the dancefloor. I’m going to leave you with some lyrics from the second verse which I thought was quite apt:

‘Burning Down the House’ – song by Talking Heads in 1983

Hold tightWait ’til the party’s overHold tightWe’re in for nasty weatherThere has got to be a wayBurning down the house

On OnAll Fours

Run: #2242 – From King’s Coronation to OBE awards…

Run: #2242 – From King’s Coronation to OBE awards…

Date: Monday 8/5/23

Location: Peregian Beach

Hare: Long Prong

Just as we were recovering from Saturday’s Coronation Pub Crawl and the celebrations of the long drawn out Coronation Ceremony shown on TV, we already have an award. The award is the OBE (Order of the British Empire) where the King awards the honour. Well, in this instance it was the hare, Long Prong’s 80th birthday OBE (Over Bloody Eighty)!

The trail started at the Peregian Park where we were instructed by the hare that the trail would be marked in white, blue, pink and magenta chalk. The walkers went off one direction and the runners in another. A big loop for the runners led us back near the start which was kind of in an ‘8’shape (if you squint your eyes). We ferreted around the Peregian Beach Park forages in the scrub trying to find trail. Nafa and Weak As went off towards the beach and that was the last we saw of Nafa! Finally, Next Week and Lech found trail through a building site, across the road and up a pathway.

We saw Weak As again who managed to do the long loop back from Lorikeet Drive while Miss Bossy Boots lead Kaffir and Jungle Jim back home after failing to find trail at the check. Lech, Beams, Next Week and All Fours continued the trail until we saw an arrow marked with ‘H’ and another with ‘B’. We took the ‘H’ trail home but was hoping that the ‘B’ could have been bucket rather than beach!

Lech gave the run report which he thought the trail was a little confusing with colour blinding, every colour of the rainbow chalk, but it did keep us all together! Long Prong was ably assisted by Dennis the Menace, but we weren’t sure who used which colour to set the trail.

We had a visitor, Jungle Jim from Sydney Posh Hash who had ran with Noosa Hash a long time ago. He only remembered that there was a large crowd and afterwards going back to someone’s house to watch porn on a Betamax! Whistleblower gets first dibs for the next time someone has to sit on ice as she was sliding on her backside during her walk in the National Park, however she managed to get all the splinters out. Top Down took the charge for Miss Bossy Boots who went home early as she invited us home while on the run but told us not to tell her Mum! Nafa got charged for being very quiet which is unlike him, so Kaffir and Possum sung him a Silent Night made up hash song. Dennis the Menace (who doesn’t actually have a real hash name – mmmmmm) said that he enjoys reading the Hash Trash but his wife enjoys it more! Apparently, this is where she finds out what he gets up to (he’s not the Messiah, he’s just a very naughty boy!).

Long Prong was awarded his OBE down down by Licker who said that she wants to be just like him when she reaches that age. Much to everyone’s protest that they don’t want her to start growing a beard or an appendage! With cool temperatures of 14oC, supper was cooked by Mrs Long Prong – chili con carne with extra chilli flakes on the side to warm us up and even an 80th birthday cake! Thank you very much hares – Long Prong and Dennis the Menace and Mrs Long Prong for catering!

BTW: just to see if you’ve been paying attention or even bother to read this run report, the trail tonight ran along twelve streets that are named after birds (Rufous, Kingfisher, Pelican, Ibis, Grebe, Plover, Shearwater, Jacana, Lorikeet, Oriole, Greenshank and Jabiru).

On On,
All Fours

Run: #2241- Reaching the dizzy heights on the stairway to heaven…

Run: #2241- Reaching the dizzy heights on the stairway to heaven…

Date: Monday 1/5/23

Location: Sunshine Beach

Hares: Chanter & Clairvoyant

Here we are back at Ed Webb Park so soon, but don’t worry as it’s not what you think as promised by the hare! A sizeable group of hashers appeared this week as there was no rain, just a little cooler – after all we are approaching WINTER!

We all headed off parallel to the Coastal Track to the Noosa National Park which soon separated the walkers and runners. There was the stairway to heaven as we went up the Seaview Terrace climb, along Sunshine to Abay and then the Nudie Escape – the Alexander Bay Track. Weak As lead the way but when we approached the bifurcation on Alexander Bay Track we didn’t see any arrows, so he told Next Week and All Fours to take the left fork. No wonder Chanter came along for the run, obviously not trusting the runners for taking shortcuts, hence only Nafa and he did the real full trail.

Fortunately, the runners found flour blobs again as we saw Lech and Licker, the fast walkers join the trail. It was starting to get dark but near the end of the National Park was Clairvoyant with a ‘lemonade’ drink stop. We were soon back onto the streets and downhill on Belmore Terrace heading home!

The runners trail was 5.74km with an elevation gain of 178m. The run report by given by Ride On who was a little traumatised by so many arrows and gave a brown noser score of 9.999 for such a well marked trail. This was somewhat different to a fortnight ago when Ride On’s trail was washed out by rain, however Blameless said he saw an old arrow from his run (I think Blameless should’ve gone to Spec Savers!).

Digit Digester bought along a virgin – Daryl. She insisted he was too slow and then went too fast only to lead him in the wrong direction! A few hashers who have been absent for a while were Treadie (a lot of hashing in NZ), Shazza (just because, no excuse), Dun Rootin’ (been away but did win the Iron Woman!). Reverse Thrust was not only late but was wasting good cold beer by pouring it down All Fours’ leg – not quite the same as a warm wet feeling down the leg! Blameless was having a good old whinge about starting much earlier as it getting too cold and  for all those wimpy hashers. We soon shut him up when he won the raffle but that didn’t stop everyone from knicking his chocolate bars! Possum sung at least 2 songs with ‘arseholes’ – she must know that there are a lot of arseholes in the hash!

Thanks for scenic tour in Sunshine Beach – Chanter and Clairvoyant! On on to another beach next week…

On On,
All Fours

Run #2240 Licker leads us on loops along the liver (river)

Run #2240 Licker leads us on loops along the liver (river)

Licker leads us on loops along the liver (river)…
Run #2240 – Monday 24 April 2023
Hare: Licker
Location: Noosaville

As we gathered in the carpark of the Villa Noosa Hotel, there was quite a bit of money transactions going on with the Hash Cash. Your Noosa H3 committee wanted to give back to our fabulous members with a subsidised run appropriately hared by our GM, Licker.

The trail took us through the very desirable real estate of Noosa Waters, namely along Mermaid Quay. There were many checks to keep the group together, with Minder doing a lot of stationary checks and of course many reluctant walkers to check any checks and just awaiting others to call! There was an enthusiastic Lunatic that did manage to suss out a few checks though! Soon, there was the walkers and runners split. The runners trail lead us along Hilton Terrace only to loop back along the Hilton Esplande. As we were running along Gympie Terrace, there was a fast white car passing with Kaffir shouting obscenities out the window at us. We knew that he was heading to the Villa Noosa Hotel where he thought the bucket was. Kaffir visited the Villa Noosa Hotel twice and still couldn’t find anybody so he rang All Fours. The runners managed to catch up with the walkers along the Noosa River near Quota Park.

Tucked away behind the Noosa Riverside Tennis courts was the BUCKET! It was a very scenic sunset by the Noosa River to host the bucket, but we had to compete with the squawking birds overhead, wind, traffic and constant nattering of the hashers! A very domesticated Licker cooked a batch of delicious sausage rolls to nibble. There were a number of visitors: Mr & Mrs Biggles from East Grinstead (on holiday from Blighty), Sue (no one made her cum) and Jane (Kaffir’s neighbour over the fence). A very short succinct run report was given by Roobarb. Birthday down downs were given to DT and Kaffir.

There was a short 650m walk back to the Villa Noosa Hotel for the On Inn for a relatively early dinner. Thanks for the run our illustrious GM, Licker! On On to Sunshine Beach again next week and may the weather gods be kinder this time…
Run #2239 – Rain no wet us (fair weather hashers!)…

Run #2239 – Rain no wet us (fair weather hashers!)…

Rain no wet us (fair weather hashers!)…

Run #2239 – Monday 17 April 2023
Hare: Ride On & Pusher
Location: Sunshine Beach

The diehards of Noosa H3 turned up tonight, even with the threat of precipitation and running (ambling at best ????) by torchlight, whilst the no-shows sat in the comfort of their abodes watching Home & Away most probably, supping on a nice glass of red! We gathered at Eddie Webb’s Park, adjacent to the Sunshine Beach SLSC, eagerly awaiting instructions from our two ‘visitors’ Ride On and Pusher. We had to hold onto our hats, as the wind coming up through the gully (Venturi effect for the smart arses) was force4. Good job Digit wasn’t here, she’d have been blown away, into the next suburb.

The Hares said there was a slight problem, they set it yesterday and rain had fallen but assured us, they’d checked today and all was good. ???? After that BS flogging, they continued to tell us that the run was up Crank Street but there might not be any arrows at the end ???? So we set off in pursuit of our imaginary trail. As we lost trail immediately we sort of spread out, with the usual runners vanishing and ‘not’ calling. Eventually, Ma’ Dog found a semblance of a check and faint arrows to the right on Henderson. Next Week and All Fours caught up and we actually ignored the only good arrow and headed up Duke St, only to be called back by Bundy. Up the stairs by Crystal Shores to Elanda St, going right to the intersection on Ferguson. Here they all were (the walking fraternity) milling about in all directions but arrows were scarier than ‘Holysmoke’ buying you a drink at the Yacht Club. Not a skerrick of chalk in any form was found, so like ‘pigs to a trough’ and their yearning for sustenance, someone mentioned that the drink stop was nigh. Up Duke St, still checking for arrows but who were they trying to fool, as no one gave a ‘rats ass’ by then. As we turned up Ferris St, low and behold a clear arrow was laid before us.

Ride On was patiently awaiting in his palace driveway but not expecting us quite that early. You’d think by the way hashers attacked the drinks, they’d just run a marathon but they were free after all! Ride On attempted to gain a little respect for his not so well marked trail, by informing us, that the trail was out of Ferris and left up Bryan St to David Low. Some did, some didn’t, I mean really! Why go left uphill, when you can go right down hill, all the way back to the chariots and bucket. By the way, it was Kondoms idea not mine! ???? Not long after the ‘led astrays’ got back, the rest arrived after their arduous 35 minute jaunt.

With the wind still howling, we adjourned to a gazebo down the hill, for the circle and nosh, supplied by Pusher. We had a visitor from Darwin, who now resides here, reasoning being, she said there were no hills in Darwin. Someone said her name was ‘Thresher’ but her number plate said ‘Zebra’, so which ever one takes your fancy. The usual charges abounded, some well thought out, with the usual lame ones added. Blameless having the best for Next Week and All Fours for their new song renditions, putting Rodgers and Hammerstein to shame. A good night after all, so thanks to Ride On and Pusher for entertaining and feeding us. Special out to ‘Holysmoke’ for doing the Raffle and winning it again, something real suss there! ???? The committee again, amazed us with their organisational skills and well run circle, we just didn’t know what they’d do next, mind you neither did they! ????

On On
Ma’ Dog

Run #2238 – Mixin’ me toasties for Easter

Run #2238 – Mixin’ me toasties for Easter

Mixin’ me toasties for Easter

Run #2238 – Monday 10 April 2023
Hare: Wet Check & Kondom
Location: Bli Bli

In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it, you’ll be the grandest hasher in the Easter Parade… Well there certainly were quite a few bunnies that rocked up but the Easter bonnets was won by Possum and Kaffir in their ‘matchy matchy’ outfits! The run was an earlier start at 4:30pm in Bli Bli but there was only one white rabbit, namely Miss Belinda Snoggs who went to visit a friend in hospital (so she says!). At the start, the hares’ instructions was “something, something, something BIFURCATION”. Why do people think that hashers actually listen to instructions, let alone understand big words like ‘bifurcation’ – otherwise known as a forkin’ the road!

The trail led us onto the Bli Bli Bridge over the Maroochy River and past the Sunshine Castle which is for sale!  We encountered a number of parks: Princess Drive Park, Wharf Road Drainage Reserve, Cutters Ridge Park and of course Muller Park! There were numerous number of checks, on backs, runners and walkers splits to keep us all entertained and together most of the time. There must have been a feeding frenzie in Bli Bli – the mozzies were out in force as Next Week managed to count 80 bites on one shoulder (they apparently managed to bite through his long sleeve top!).

A summarised run report was delivered by Woof Woof, who scored it 2/10 because there was no drink stop. However, do not fear as we had Tailend who kept everyone well lubricated with down down drinks. There were 4 visitors: Honeymoon and Donga from Thailand, Banger (Floosey’s bro) and Miss Belinda Snoggs. Nafa surprised everyone with a new shop he had opened in Bli Bli called ‘Master Baits’ or was it ‘Bait Masters’ for fishing tackle/supplies?! Digit Digester got a down down from Plucker as she got upset that he had taken the front passenger seat of Ma’ Dog’s car.

Banger managed to keep us all entertained with his joke about a poor little bunny (portrayed by All Fours – hopping around) who died and went to heaven after ‘mixin’-me-toasties!’ The raffle was drawn by Honeymoon and it was deservedly won by our DSI – Holy Smoke! Holy Smoke apologises if anyone gets cold symptoms after the hash (too bad, bonus if you get sick!) – she felt better yesterday…

Thanks to our bunnies (hares) Wet Check and Kondom for the Easter run, chocolate eggs and supper (no ham, cheese and onion toastie were served)! May that poor bunny RIP…

Run #2237 – Birthday Boy’s Bush Bashing…

Run #2237 – Birthday Boy’s Bush Bashing…

Run #2237 – Monday 3 April 2023
Hare: Weak As
Location: Noosaville

Birthday Boy’s Bush Bashing…

Our birthday boy and hare Weak As, started the run at the Eenie Creek Road just behind the Salvos store in Noosaville. The trail lead us through the industrial sites around Rene, Action and Production Streets. Finally, we came across some virgin territory off Hoffman Drive, near the Noosa Civic and reached the drink stop. The drink stop was ably assisted by ‘a pair of good knees’ between them aka Boobs and Delilah.

The runners trail went from new roads/development area into the bush. Beams was convinced that we were heading towards the Noosa Aerodrome, whereas Nafa did his usual and went off and did some alternate route. It was getting dark in the bush but luckily most of us had torches. Weak As, cleverly lead the runners back to the Hoffman Drive new roads near the drink stop, crossing the road to loop back into the Noosa Civic shopping centre towards home. A great 5.95km trail for the runners and a 4km (ish) for the walkers. Top Down, Woof Woof and Whistleblower were all fast walkers but didn’t complain it was too short!  Even Unremarkable and Screamer thought it was a very pleasant jaunty stroll for those who are over 70 years old! While we’re on the topic of seniors, Screamer said they don’t do carparking spaces for seniors anymore – probably because there’s too much demand for them!

Minder kept on wanting to know when the raffle would be drawn which we gave him a down down for his eagerness. He also said that he couldn’t hear me as it was too dark – I think he should’ve gone to Spec Savers (they do glasses as well as hearing aids!).

Tonight, we must’ve had a very competitive sporty bunch with Ma’ Dog having gone white water rafting got crutch rot – no competition here with No Crutch! Delilah was having a midnight swim (pissed) when he fell down the stairs and hurt his knee. So, if Delilah and Boobs got together, they would be OK for a 3 legged race or knocking knees?! Not to be outdone by these sportsmen, Digit Digester and Hairy Mickey both achieved their 100 runs award.

We had a new member that’s actually an old one – Breathless! He drew the ‘free’ raffle which Plucker Duck from Gold Coast won – a chocolate and beer tower complete with a pair of bunny ears. Weak As and Lusharse shared birthdays. Jokes were told by Beams (masturbating dinosaurs) and Weak As (not getting enough action on his birthday).

A very tasty nachos was expertly cooked by Weak As and many assistants – he even provided us with special containers so you didn’t have to even dirty your own plate! Many thanks to Weak As for the food, run and beer – what more could you ask for?!

Run #2236 Maneating sized mozzies munch on unsuspecting hashers…

Run #2236 Maneating sized mozzies munch on unsuspecting hashers…

Run #2236 – Monday 27 March 2023
Hare: Maneater
Location: Sunrise Beach

The mozzies started way before the run at 4pm when Mozzie rang Next Week to ask for the location of the run was and if Rainbow Park was a new park in Sunrise Beach. Her excuse was that she didn’t have Google Maps on her phone and needed a hard copy version of the Refidex Street Directory.

What a fabulous trail it was from Rainbow Park, over the footbridge to Wavecrest Park and along Castaways Beach and up Sunrise Hill. Miss Bossy Boots was the front runner all the way with Beams following very closely on her heels. Kaffir, Lunatic, Beams, Good Things (no Groper as he’s got man flu), All Fours, Next Week and Lech were also out in front with the runners pack. Near the beach, I was surprised to see Unremarkable and Screamer on the trail ahead of me. I looked across the road and saw Slurps and Mother Trucker coming down the wooden steps which I flagged for them to short cut across the road. When I asked Unremarkable if the trail was set down the steps, he said “that was the trail set for people over 70 years old!” Mad Dog and Floosie were walking their pooches when one decided she had enough and sat down – apparently she’d already done the same walk earlier on the day.

The down downs was some weird concoction with healthy bits of carrots for the hashers to see better as the days are getting shorter and darker earlier. Flip Flop (Fat Controller’s brother) from Switzerland, got a special European down down beer from Weak As. Beams and Blameless could easily pass as brothers with wearing white hats and comparing lengths of beards. Apparently Blameless was hirsute when he was younger! Boobs was showing off his long battle scar around his knee and is not allowed to drive but can sit and drink instead.

Lunatic comes every fortnightly dressed in a very colour coordinated matchy, matchy fashion. Her excuse is that she has thrown out all her old hash gear – Bundy get selling! Licker had all her chains and whips returned to her from some wild night shenanigans. Thanks to Ma’ Dog as he gets a free drink for writing last week’s fab run report – you too can claim your next free drink but simply scribbling a few words together!

As we feasted on our dinner prepared by Maneater, so were the Mozzies feasting on the hashers! I did a roll call and countered at least 83 bites!

No Crutch, Licker, Red Knob and All Fours were playing on the children’s playground and slides – fortunately it was dark and no children were harmed at the time…

Thanks to the hare(s) – Maneater and Sukkon for a very scenic jaunty at the seaside!

Run #2235 – Monday 20 March 2023

Run #2235 – Monday 20 March 2023

Lecherous’ trecherous trails…

Run #2235 – Monday 20 March 2023
Hare: Lech
Location: Beckmans Road, Tewantin

We turned up for run #2235 but as no one told our GM, she had no idea what number it was! ????  There was an air of anticipation tonight, as it was a ‘bush’ run, some were worried they might get their zimmerframes caught in tree roots or worse – dirty shoes! There was good turnout of 30’ish, with many away for the Port Macquarie relay. Even our one legged kiwi, Boobs made a cameo appearance to cheer us on. With no visitors or pre-remarks, our hare Lecherous gave a quick brief on what to expect. He’d gone to great lengths to set a long run, a normal run, a long walk and a short walk – if that’s not over achieving then I don’t know what is! His plan was slightly thwarted, when he said “I’ve clearly marked the directions for the start”, only to be undone by the inconsiderate Haybales who parked his 4WD on top of the signage.

So off we set in many directions before Lech frustratingly yelled out which actual way we were meant to go. If this was just the beginning, then we were in for a treat – NOT! We headed down a 4WD track and over a stile, which Screamer thought was the Great Wall of China by the way she traversed it. The pack soon spread out for a decent ascent up the fire trail. The runners were a bit thin on the ground with ‘hammy’ Nafa and Groper heading off in search of trail. When we reached a ridge the trail crossed over but everyone stood there umin’ and arin’ and not willing to commit in either direction. Minder and Lusharse disappeared into the bush and were never seen again – cunning old hashers! Ma’ Dog pointed out that the walkers trail was on the left and that no one was to follow him, since he was short cutting home with Dun Rootin’ and Kondom in tow. What the unsuspecting hashers didn’t realise was that he was actually on trail and was sending them on a long walk. A piece of advice: Never ask a hasher if they are on trail, as they have been known to lie! ????.

The short walk, was a well marked amble down Trail #4 behind the council depot and back to the chariots. On return, small groups came in from all directions, some with tales of woe – more like BS, the short cutting bastards! Poor Lech was somewhat baffled as to how could they have got it so wrong, since it was clearly and painstakingly marked that even a novice hasher could find their way! If you make it too simple and obvious, hashers will always f*ck it up – its in their DNA. It was dark when the two elated runners returned. We were not worried that Groper would get lost as he had Nafa to guide him. They did most of the run in ‘Reverse’ (even though he wasn’t here tonight) going against the arrows and at several intersections there were arrows in all directions – the walkers got off lightly! In hindsight, I can honestly say that the run was great as it kept us together, was clearly if not confusingly marked but a great effort by the hare!
The circle was brief but entertaining with no visitors, new cummers or messages. Nafa had a birthday but still hasn’t grown up. Recharge got a big thanks for his contribution as stand in Hash Cash. There was one charge for the hi-tech group who got lost but Insultan managed to use his superior knowledge and SatNav to get home safely. What’s the hash coming to when we have to rely on technology and not pure hashing skills to navigate the trail home. If no one gets lost, then where’s the fun in that?! No one knew where the next week’s run was, not even the committee members that were present. It’s going to be a fun year with them in charge! ????

The food tonight was an Irish stew (wasn’t that meant to be last week?!) – thick or thin but expertly prepared by Lech which was very yummy well done! 
On On
Ma’ Dog