Date/Time: Monday 12/02/24, 5pm
Location: Noosaville
Hares: Digit Digester with Ma’ Dog
A sad day, as it’s my last collaboration run report with All Fours. Admittedly I was co-hare, with Digit Digester so it might be a tad bias. Also, as we sail into the sea of uncertainty with our new committee, we remain rudderless, in the position of On Sec. Surely there is someone out there, with enough words nous, wit, black humour, sarcasm and no conscience to fill the void?
We gathered at the dog park atop Lake Weyba Drive and what a good turnout there was. Great to see some originals like Speed Dog and unregulars like the Fat Controller plus some visitors from ‘wankyank’ country (B Flat& Victoria Falls). The FGM & RA took command and reminded us all, what an auspicious occasion this was. It’s the present committees last run, as in a few hours they would be unshackled from the bondage of commitment and join the ranks of us mere mortals, being the members and being totally ignored for the next twelve months.
Digit and Moi, gave a quick rundown on how the run was laid, its length and duration, which was hard as we had no clue about either because I inadvertently switched of my run tracker when setting it. Down the road and left into Nannygai St, across into Blameless Shire to a check, with a small meander thru the park, along Waterside to Saltwater. The runners by all accounts were speeding ahead and a good number of walkers were in pursuit. Through another park and through Skipper to a check at Maccas. The walkers kep ttogether and wouldn’t be out done by those peskie front runners. Some slack arses did take the opportunity to shortcut back but the majority continued. The runners spearheaded by Beams the Fat Controller and Silly Prick reached the next check on Gympie Terrace. Sadly, they were misguided and went left and ignored the fact that there were no ‘On’ arrows. After much cursing to the perpetrator, they headed back, up Thomas to Albert. Here they meandered through Anne, James and onto Weyba Road. A short jog back to Lake Weyba Drive and homeward to the Doggy Park. Naffa of course, couldn’t resist but to shortcut and against his normal reactions, said he actually enjoyed it for once. Beams was the first legit trail runner back and informed me, it was 5.1kms long and took 45 minutes, which was news to me and Digit ????. The circle was formed, after my last duty as Hash Crier, where I usually deafen everybody in close proximity. A very short and quick circle was performed with the FGM providing a quick summary of events and expenditure of the 2023/2024 year!
So without further ado, over to you, our illustrious and departing RA& On Sec & Scribe – All Fours for her last contribution to the run report.
On On
Ma Dog
Summary of AGPU
After a short run and a short circle we all wandered down Lake Weyba Drive to the Laguna Retirement Village for more drinking and to the long awaited event of the year – AGPU! OMG, it couldn’t have come sooner…
Meals on Wheels catered the 3 course dinner with all you could drink from the generous bucket. Licker and Red Knob had to go home to replenish the grog as this was,by far one of the best attended AGPUs with over 60 people! There were definitely a few Hashers who were rather merry too!
We were entertained by the Hash Committee, the Von Crapp Singers with a selection of rewritten hash words to The Sound of Music songs and lyrics were provided for the Hashers to sing along. The last song performed was “So Long, Farewell”, where the FGM tossed the Hashit Award, TM tossed chalk, HC tossed a cash register with money, RA/On Sec tossed a laptop computer and we all waved SO LONG… FAREWELL…AUF WIEDERSEHEN… GOODBYE…
Special mention of thanks to:
- Reverse Thrust (MC duties, use of his PA system)
- Breathless, The Madam (Kaffir’s wife), Kaffir, Possum, Reverse Thrust (recorded vocals)
- Michael (Breathless’ brother for creating the backing tracks)
A few awards were given out, the final part of the proceedings was the sacking of the committee and the election of the new GM and their committee. There were two main contenders – Treadie and Nafa. After a show of hands, the new GM is TREADIE!!!
The new committee lineup for 2024/25 is:
- GM –Treadie
- RA –Beams
- Hash Cash – Ride On
- TMs – Rocky & Lazy Prick
- Beer Meisters – Hoader & Tailend
- DSIs – Mozzie & Be Prepared
- Minister of Loose Ends (MOLE) – Dun’ Rootin’
Congrats to the new committee! However, there is an important role that is still vacant – the On Sec! Treadie is look for someone who is a great communicator and is good with emails. I know there are some hashers who totally fit the bill– so step up and show us how it’s done!
On On to another awesome year of hashing!
All Fours (signing off for the very last time – YAYYYYYYY!!!)