Category: Previous Runs

Run: #2254 – A clean swept trail…

Run: #2254 – A clean swept trail…

Date: Monday 31/7/23
Location: Noosaville
Hares: Next Week & All Fours

We gathered tonight on Sea Eagle Dr, Noosaville, in the school carpark. Many a run set from here, so lets see how our illustrious RA tackles this one.  About 30 turned up for this one, and the weather was good, no signs of precipitation. Before the off, Next Week apologised in a nugatory manner, for a few ‘pauses’ in their marking and gave a lame excuse of the Council road sweeper brushing their well laid trail away. Hence, a short trail for the walkers but no one ever complains about it being too short!

The runners had their usual 2km loop added and the walkers were instructed to do their usual thing, which meant walk, talk and shortcut back to the bucket. We set off down Sea Eagle Drive to our first check, whilst Licker, Madcock and Kaffir, with Benny & Pepper in tow, looked for trail. ‘On left’ was the call from Digit, finding it hard to contain her excitement, that she was going in the right direction for once, without Sat Nav. Then we followed the well laid walking trail, that meandered through the rainforest, for what seemed an eternity, ‘till finally an easement thrust us back into civilisation. We wandered the streets of suburbia through streets which names I fail to recall. The small bunch of walkers at the tailend were enjoying this evenings exercise and had no bloody idea where they were. Minder was doing his very best to send people in the wrong direction, as he does best.  Boobs tried to impress the harriettes, with his stiff leg but no one took the bait. DT and Woof Woof were nowhere to be seen on the run, or were they just a figment of my imagination? Eventually, we shuffled past Roobarb’s abode, not home of course, as she’s in ‘snap frozen yank’ territory ‘Newfoundland’ and we headed back to the chariots, for sustenance.

There was lot of ‘flapdoodling’ and ‘bavardage’ going on tonight, as the hash got slowly lubricated to a stare of temulency, in time for the circle. The hares of course got praised for a marvellous run and it was I guess, maybe, or maybe not depending on who you talked to, cos they’re a fickle bunch. The circle was formed and charges were in abundance and I think Recharge got more than his fair share and some even bewildered him. Boobs & Bundy for returning, after their long trek across Australia but if the truth were known they were camped in Pomona all the time ‘cos the tight bastards didn’t want to use to much petrol. ???? Breathless was charged by Licorice Nipples for doing an impersonation of a tree no less. We all know he boasts about his manhood often, so seeing his ‘woody’ would’ve been no surprise for Hash Cash. Kaffir was charged, for fucking up his own charge against Boobs by making him demonstrate his ‘stiffy’ (leg that is) by doing a lap of the circle. Kaffir admitted after his canard, that he just wanted a drink anyway. Other charges were for Madcock – a belated one, as the RA forgot last week and Be Prepared for returning. That’s all I can remember ‘cos the bloody Hash Cash stole back my piece of paper my notes were on – due to the fact, there’s no money left in the bank to buy her more and the new house she’s got was expensive to build.

The circle ended and we were given a wonderful gourmet interlude of spaghetti & meatballs – all handcrafted by Next Week and it was very tasty indeed! Great night as always for our illustrious hares, they should be thanked for doing more than their fair share. Then I f**ked off home to watch the cricket and soccer.

P.S. Matildas won 4 – 0! As for the cricket score, I think they still finishing off breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner…

On On
Ma’ Dog

Run: #2253 Breathless has found Jesus! (we didn’t know he was missing)

Run: #2253 Breathless has found Jesus! (we didn’t know he was missing)

Date: Monday 24/7/23
Location: Tewantin
Hares: Licorice Nipples & Breathless

The Religious Advisor’s Anti Rain app was definitely working today as the forecast a week ago was for a deluge of10-20mm rain. Apart from a few sprinklings earlier in the day, the trail was set and a very inviting roaring firepit was ready for the hashers! Ma’ Dog turned up as the run was starting and even forgot to pick Slurps up along the way.

Off we went down the back lane to Gympie Street with the first check on the corner of Butler Street. There was lots of stationary checking at checks but it did keep the walkers and runners together. At one particular check, Triar F being a walker was at least proactive and did try and find trail. We headed down to the Tewantin Cemetery, along to the other end of Butler Street, skirting pass the edge of Doonella Wetlands Nature Refuge, up the steps and onto Poinciana Ave. Breathless, did some sneaky little markings past the Shell servo, only to cross back over the road on the pedestrian crossing and down Moorindil Street. A little gradient on Hendry Street took us back up to Gympie Street, just as a light drizzle started. We were sorely tempted to go straight back home but decided we had better follow the trail through Goodwin ark and the pass the front gate!

The walkers report was given by Red Knob who must’ve got stage fright as he was a man of few words – nice little amble around old Tewantin, weather held up and were back in time with the runners. The runners report was given by a very animated Digit Digestor,  the complete opposite of Red Knob and gladly filled in all the gaps of the walkers report. She even scored it 10/10! Later, Insultan told me that when he was walking with Red Knob on the trail, he couldn’t shut him up! The circle was around a magical firepit where I asked if there was someone to sacrifice – Minder said there were no virgins but only spinsters. When asked if he would name a spinster to be sacrificed or drink a beer, he chose the latter.

Down downs were for:

  • Breathless who found Jesus when a man came to buy his car earlier that arvo. They talked for hours on religion and after a test drive to the countryside he still didn’t buy the car!
  • Miss Belinda Snoggs was house sitting for Rocky & Berocca – got blamed for throwing a huge loud party when it was Rocky’s relatives staying there one weekend
  • Rocky for stepping out at the start of the run, missed the invisible step out the gate and strained a very large muscle – there were no volunteers to massage it either!
  • deliveries of Grand Daughters for Next Week & Lech – congratulations!

We were then treated to a very delicious, hearty winter’s night dinner of corned beef/silverside, peas, mash, sauerkraut and gravy. There was plenty to go around, even second helpings – talk about 5loaves and 2 fish. Hallelujah Brothers and Sisters! Thank the Lord or should I say – Breathless and Licorice Nipples for their fabulous hospitality, dinner and great run!

P.S. I hope we find Jesus soon…

On On
All Fours

Run: #2252 – RA’s got a Anti Rain App!

Run: #2252 – RA’s got a Anti Rain App!

Date: Monday 17/7/23
Location: Tewantin
Hares: DT & Woof Woof

Leaving home at 4 o’clock on Monday, I could only assume that our RA had done something very naughty this week as the weather looked very inclement. However, by the time we got to the start the sky had cleared. Some runners were psyching themselves up for a wet steep run through the bush but Woof Woof and DT outwitted us and within a minute of starting the motley bunch of oldies were straggling across Cooroy Noosa Road to the amusement of the passing motorists.

Two of our visitors were almost nonstarter’s – Senator from Brisbane (an ex member of the Sydney Larrikin mafia) and Lei. They were persuaded to get moving and before long Lei was striding along near the front of the pack. Around the first couple of bends we went and then were presented with a very long grassy track with the end in sight only for those with good eyesight. A few muddy patches but in general a nice long easy section and lots of blobs of flour. Around the next bend we were following chalk and flour, and it wasn’t long before we decided that the trail had been set on a bicycle because some of the checks were a bit further away than you would normally expect from the check. We needed a halfway checker to be able to ferry the sound of ON ON back to those who hung around the check waiting for instructions. Some of the arrows were very close together, just to throw us off the scent and some were quite a bit further apart. All in all, a well set trail which took some of us to places we hadn’t walked before. I gave it a 8.5/10 but Lazy Prick who gave the runners report had to outdo me and gave it 8.6/10!

Back at the bucket, there was a down down for Turtle who had a recent birthday which had almost passed unnoticed. There were a few other visitors – Metro (Coffs Harbour), Lunatic’s Aunt (Melbourne) and returnees – Ride On and Lunatic. The hares got their down downs for the usual reasons, Kaffir ended up with a toilet seat on his head for reasons that I can’t recall.  However, he’s had so many recent transgressions it could be for any or all of them. Whistleblower got one for turning up 15 minutes early for a 5 o’clock run but still managed to catch up with us before the end without shortcutting. Possum led us in song with her usual dulcet tones singing hearty renditions of the various melodies that the Hash have managed to bastardise over the past 60 years.

The nosh was lovely, a hearty winter casserole with a lot of wine and brandy involved. Second helpings for quite a few. Thanks to Woof Woof and DT for a lovely evening.

On On
Licorice Nipples

Run: #2251 Deck the Halls…

Run: #2251 Deck the Halls…

Date: Monday 10/7/23
Location: Tewantin
Hares: Turtle Luv & Rocky

HO HO HO! Did you know: ‘Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la and then the next line is “Don we now our gay apparel”. Well, the hashers certainly got in spirit of this festive occasion and dressed up in Christmas apparel!

We gathered out the front of the Bowlos carpark in fear of offending them (again) standing next to the sewage system which occasionally leaked certain smells. The hashers, keen to get away from the odour quickly departed down to Riverstone Court and into Wallace Park. People passing the groups of hashers in the park were giving us Christmas greetings or sniggering! Licker appeared to be one of the Front Running B**tards (FRBs) at the checks, especially around her home but didn’t find any trail. The runners and walkers split was at the back of Venture Drive with the runners passing two breweries but no beer stops!

There was a check at the Bunnings round-a-bout which All Fours marked to cross the road, whereas the actual trail should have taken a left turn. While Next Week was on the other side of the road checking trail, All Fours finally found the correct trail but couldn’t be assed to go back to correct the markings. The trail did eventually cross over to the other side of the road but that wasn’t until another two blocks or round-a-bouts at Walter Hay Drive. Crossing at the back of the Good Shepard School, the trail led us through and along Noosa Waters and out to the Noosa River. The runners then made a dash along Hilton Terrace where they just managed to catch up with Santa Longis Prongis as he was approaching the Bowlos and home around the corner! We were greeted with a roaring firepit, pretty coloured Christmas lights and mulled wine in the courtyard garden of Turtle’s.

The circle was conducted by the firepit with Long Prong giving the walkers report. He thought the trail was quite a substantial distance with most walkers short cutting home. Recharge gave the runners report as he came in last with Licker and Lech. This of course was All Fours fault for putting in the ‘false’ arrow at the check. To my defence, I didn’t think there were any more runners as they were so far behind!

Down downs were notably for Berocca & DT as they have something in common. Berocca got the ‘shits’ while DT was holding up the GM at the start of the run ‘talking shit’. While Red Knob & No Crutch were with the boys standing around fire talking secret Mens business, I dared them to put their hot poker in. Only these two fit the bill – resulting with a Red Knob & No Crutch getting his burnt off! Possum forgot her song book and was asking around the circle for songs when Digit Digester got to sing her ‘how would you like my finger?’.

The best dressed female prize went to Hairy Mickey who was a delightful green Xmas fairy, complete with stockings (they were a beauty too!). Best dressed male was Long Prong in his Santa suit. The free Xmas raffle was drawn by Mother Trucker and won by Berocca (choccies, bubbles & beer).

A fabulous Xmas spread of ham, turkey, roasted potatoes, creamy bake, glazed carrots – finishing with apple strudel, custard and ice cream was served! Apparently, Unremarkable had been slaving over a hot stove from 1pm and even lit the fire without using any white spirits. Another top Kiwi bloke was Dick Bender who was busy cleaning the barbie and dishes while Hairy Mickey was like Cinderalla – all dressed up and helping in the kitchen.

Many thanks to the hares – Rocky for laying an excellent trail and Turtle Luv for the wonderful Xmas dinner and hospitality! Fa la la la la, la la la la!!

On On
All Fours

Run: #2250 – Ma’ Dog vs La Niña

Run: #2250 – Ma’ Dog vs La Niña

Date: Monday 3/7/23
Location: Tewantin
Hares: Ma’ Dog & Holy Smoke

The Bureau of Meteorology had been predicting rain and lots of rain the week prior to Ma’ Dog’s run. La Niña was going to come out to party but fortunately, the RA (who’s responsible for the weather) used all her powers to ensure that Ma’ Dog’s run was going to be spared! We had double the number of hashers who rocked up this time than Ma’ Dog’s previous run – they even came with brollies and rain coats.

At last, Ma’ Dog was able to use the infamous trail he had planned months ago. Out down Blackheath, across Furness and along Gleneagle, Fairways Drives, Stableford and Linksland Streets were not just street names but quite a few golfing terminology. There were a few lovely parks, reserve, crossing creeks and even a drink stop! Lots of checks ensured that the pack kept together most of the time with runners and walkers splits too. The run was 6.07km long which took only 45 minutes and the weather remained delightfully dry!

Ma’ Dog soon got the ‘burning inferno’ going around the backyard, while Holy Smoke was flipping burgers on the barbie. We gathered around the fire pit for the circle which would’ve been quite dark but fortunately All Fours had her torch to light up the occasion. Rocky gave the walkers report – scoring 7.5/10 for a 4.5km which included a great drink stop (even though Ma’ Dog forgot an extra ingredient), while Next Week gave the runners report.

Down Downs this week were:

  • The travellers: DT & Woof Woof have been ‘Everywhere Man’ up in Capentaria (at least 20 destinations rattled off), meanwhile Rocky had an eating & boozy Rick Stein European visit (again at least 20 destinations)
  • Licker for blocking the driveway with her car that Ma’ Dog couldn’t get to the drink stop in time
  • Kaffir for forgetting his torch on such a dark night but didn’t ask if anyone had a spare as All Fours could’ve given him not one but two spare torches
  • Next Week’s birthday had special numbers. I asked Lech what it meant when Next Week is 68 years old, born in ’55 and All Fours is 55 years old and was born in ’68 – his response was lucky or just a ‘coincidence’
  • All Fours being RA blessed the hashers with NO RAIN!

On a more serious note, the GM made an announcement:

Due to the increase in the price of food, we are increasing our weekly run fee to $10 which will also include a beverage (beer/wine/soft drink). This means your run fee has only gone up by $2 and drinks prices remain the same at $3 each. 

This increase will begin on 1 August 2023. There has not been a fee increase in 25 years.

You will be provided with a drinks token when you pay your run fee each

With the serious proceedings done, we tucked ourselves into some yummy gourmet burgers with all the trimmings of beetroot, pineapple, lettuce, pickles and various sauces. There was even vego sausages for Digit Digester! Then we washed it down with some port to finish. Thanks Ma’ Dog and Holy Smoke for the run, food, hospitality and no La Niña in sight!

On On
All Fours

Run: #2249 – Let the games begin…

Run: #2249 – Let the games begin…

Date: Monday 26/6/23
Location: Gympie
Hares: Gympie Ironman

WOW, a very fit, sporty crowd of sports people gathered at Gympie’s Mt Pleasant Hotel for the Ironman Event. There were: Football/Soccer players representing Argentina, Manchester United; Netballers playing positions: WA, GS; Footy players representing: England, Rugby, Gympie, Qld Maroons, Highlanders; Swimmers, Martial Arts, Surfers, Life Savers, Torch Bearer and various non descript Hashers just to name a few.

Words from Ma’ Dog…

Great night at the ‘Gympie Ironman’ H3 run. Piss poor showing from NH3 but what’s new?! Well done to the 13 Noosa hardcore (real Ironman athletes) that made the effort. A pub crawl ‘up hill, down dale’ across Gympie to wet your whistles. Back to Mt Pleasant pub for the circle and good pub nosh. Really enjoyable, as Gympie H3 always makes us welcome and puts on a good night.

Well, that pretty much sums up this great sporting event that we’ve been training for months in advance! So glad for the training as there were 5 pubs that we had to conquer in 1.15 hours which we were very rushed for drinks as Dolly (Gympie GM) kept time check. At one stop Digit Digester was seen taking her drink with her to keep her hydration levels up. We received various jeers and remarks from the general public either at the pubs or on the streets about at our attire. It was a very warm evening of 22oC, even though we were warned it was going to be freezing in Gympie!

Dinner at the pub was the choice of roast pork or fish with sticky date pudding for dessert. We hope Red Knob replenished his energy when he had excess food donated to him from Holy Smoke, All Fours and Licker. Licker ordered an extra dessert just to eat the ice cream and lick all the caramel sauce off the plate! Next Week kept on winning the raffle draws but only took the bottle of red wine which was promptly drunk by Holy Smoke, Next Week and Kaffir – was better than the boxed stuff.

Thanks to Gympie H3 for the fun, frivolity and hospitality! We’ll be back, but in the meanwhile, I hope you all start training now for the next Ironman…

On On
All Fours

Run: #2248 – The meaning of 2248…

Run: #2248 – The meaning of 2248…

Run Report: Monday 19/6/23
Location: Noosa Heads
Hare: Treadie

According to the world of Google, there are a few explanations of what 2248 means:

  • a puzzle game using logic and maths solving skills to match a series of numbers in a grid to reach the end figure of 2248 – combine tiles together to build up your number and steadily work towards the end figure
  • in the Bible, the number 2 represents the duality of good and evil, the number 4 represents God’s creation and the earth, and the number 8 represents new beginnings and resurrection hence this angel number 2248 aligns you with the power of God and his divine will for your life or
  • simply put by Lech: ‘magic accountant numbers’ 2+2=4, 4+4 = 8!

Treadie, despite living in Tewantin was determined not to set another run in Tewantin and so it was set in Noosa Heads! With 27 hashers gathered in Pinaroo Park we were entertained by a group of young Asians playing volleyball nearby. Treadie drew a plethora of chalk instructions on the concrete – good luck with the hashers taking in any instructions or even understanding them!

There was a great mix of trails from streets to lots of bush tracks through the back of houses. Lots of checks and on backs meant the walkers and runners were constantly together. We even saw Treadie walking alongside the walkers, and then the BIG confusion at a runners/walkers split/check where the runners went left and the walkers continued on. However, further up the hill the next arrows had a ‘W’ marked on the supposed runners trail! At one stage we had Lazy Prick wondering if this was going to be a 10km trail and why the visitors were always ahead of him! Treadie must’ve had too much time on her hands as she even marked an on back from a check as well as the correct trail, whereas most hashers wouldn’t bother. We knew we were heading home when we approached Pinaroo Park in the dark, but the runners still had to do a small diversion of the park first but we coincided with the walkers again!

The down downs for the week were for:

  • Wet Check gave the walkers report 8/10, CL gave the runners report 7.5/10 – it was the best marked run & trail by a country mile as it kept all the walkers & runners together at all times
  • Sunshine & CL from Nelson Bay visiting, Whoopie – staying with Treadie & hoping to be a resident in Noosa
  • Mozzie & Haybales – acting as a loved up honeymoon couple giggling and holding hands coming out of the bush
  • Unremarkable for being so demanding – he shouted in a commanding manner to Screamer “Debs, this way now!” while she was dilly dallying at the check
  • Screamer – Licker thought she was a human GPS giving directions all the way, knowing every street name but Ma’ Dog didn’t think so as she lost her way earlier that morning
  • Treadie for giving a zillion instructions at the start explaining everything about the trail but she failed to tell us about the RG (Regroup) sign
  • Red Knob for getting lost and asking the Leyland Brothers ‘Where the f*ck are we? –we sung the appropriate Leyland song for him – if you remember the good old 1980s when things were so uncomplicated…
  • Fashionistas – Insultan (wearing a yellow/black striped trakkie daks (Bruce Lee or Laa Laa Teletubbie?), Unremarkable with leggings, baggy shorts and long socks attire
  • Holy Smoke – the wonderful JUNE birthday girl!

We enjoyed the huge baked spud with chili con carne, salad, sour cream & herbs for trimmings – so well organised. Thanks for the great comfort food – perfect for a cold Winter’s evening and of course the perfectly marked trail of the century Treadie!

On On
All Fours

Run: #2247 – Got any POT?!

Run: #2247 – Got any POT?!

Date: Monday 12/6/23
Location: Tewantin
Hares: Recharge & GB

A couple of days prior to the Hash, I got a phone call from GB in need of some pot! I did try to explain that I wasn’t a dealer when I realised it wasn’t that sort of pot – it was for the cooking of the curried lentil soup!

With three days of solid rain it wasn’t looking too good for these virgin hares to be setting any trail. Fortunately, the RA made sure the skies cleared up that morning but even that wasn’t good enough for the majority of those slack a*se fair weather hashers – we had a lowish turnout of 22ish hashers (a very imitate group – too bad you missed out!).

We ventured out from Recharge & GB’s abode, across a little bridge in Pine Park, joining back onto the other part of Read St and down Livingstone St. We soon reached Butler St where I had seen an arrow past my house which didn’t go nowhere. Lazy Prick had gone down to Gympie St in search for trail, whereas Kaffir was told it would go past Breathless’ house, took the correct trail down Spinnaker St. We did go past Red Knob’s house on Crank St, then through Goodwin Park to Cullinane St and Werin St. Along George & Moorindil Streets was the Calvary Nursing Home where we came across the runners and walkers split. It would’ve been just a short stroll back for the walkers, whereas the runners went on down Hay St, past On & Off’s house to the magnificent impromptu drink stop at Kaffir’s place. The next hasher’s house we past was Treadie’s then heading down Tait St, through the back of Riverlands Noosa Retirement and back home down Read St.

No name Sue (who got named shortly thereafter) gave the walkers report. She thought it was like a Goldilocks run, as it was not too long, not too short, but just right and scored it an 8.5! Kaffir scored it a 7.5, being a great little run of just over 5km with a few more nocks and crannies than his run last week for Larrikins which was a mammoth 8.5km and of course there was a great drink stop for the runners!

The down downs were:

  • Long Prong for impersonating All Fours – having fallen over, he had scars that would have been on his knees but as he wore long compression socks, the scars were about 10cm down from the knees but standing next to All Fours it’s her knee height!
  • Drug charges for: GB for not having any ‘pot’ available at the rave; Kaffir being the pot dealer/grower; Recharge & All Fours who were responsible for watering & looking after the pot, let the whole crop die!
  • On & Off – she didn’t know what day it was and not realising it was a Hashing night was about to take the dog for a walk when Licorice Nipples reminded her. She prompted shoved the dog back inside the house and came to the hash instead!
  • Treadie’s hash challenge for identifying an object made of black spongy rubber with 2 straps that clipped together. There were all sorts of kinky names and suggestions but we still don’t know what it is!
  • No name Sue finally got named: ‘Be Prepared’. A few weeks ago she had a handbag that had everything inside but tonight she had a backpack that suggested that she was ‘ready for anything’, ‘has anything you want, just name it’, ‘it’s got everything in there except the kitchen sink’ and apparently you can ‘stay forever young’ by putting weights into your backpack!

The raffle was drawn by our newly named hasher and was won by Mother Trucker.

With the fabulous fire going, we feasted on some YUMMY lentil curried/aroma filled/spicy soup with warmed Turkish baked bread. But wait, there’s MORE – we had Tiramisu for dessert! Thank you so much for your hospitality, food and trail Recharge & GB – no longer virgins!

On On
All Fours

Run: #2246 – OH NO, NOT RICE AGAIN?!!!

Run: #2246 – OH NO, NOT RICE AGAIN?!!!

Date: Monday 5/6/23
Location: Coolum
Hares: Combined Sunshine Coast Hash

As we were heading south of Noosa to the outer suburbs, we thought, what bloody idiots would go out in this weather? A deluge of condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls from the sky, due to gravitational pull, rain I mean! ???? When we gathered at the start, the ‘fair weather’ hashers were noted by their absence – wankers! The ‘die hards’ of approximately 19, supported our joint venture with Sunshine Coast H3, who numbered around 22’ish. Luckily Wonky had cunningly slipped the rugby club bosses a $50 note, so we could use their covered area and we needed it. Wrong Way was our hare for the night and preceded to inform, everyone of the great trail he’d set, including a drink stop too.

Needless to say, there was no real trail, or marks but the throng set off regardless. Into the darkness they meandered across the footy fields, to the amusement of the juniors training. That look of bewilderment on their young faces, as this long line of old farts with torches and umbrellas, chatting away, some calling and some just ambling, into the bush behind the footy fields. They must’ve thought they let out the whole retirement village on a night excursion. We followed everyone else in front of us like lambs to the slaughter! There was a lot of toing and froing in the park when Weak As saw the ‘On Home’ trail and turned back. The whole group was then divided with some going left, right, across the road and some just stationary! Eventually the group crossed back over the busy road and headed towards the drink stop. It was only then, we actually saw arrows that were pointing in the opposite direction to the drink stop! After the drink stop, we saw the actual marked trail but we were following it backwards which was much easier to see than going the right direction! It was a rather quick little run, as hashers were soon back, coming in from all directions. Some apparently totally misread Wonky’s instructions and did the run backwards but still managed to return with the rest. All Fours managed a 3.5km stroll while Slurps registered 4.2km – she must have shorter legs?

Amazingly, by the time everyone returned the precipitation had stopped and a glorious night was upon us, for how long anybody’s guess. Nibbles were organised by Hoarder & Tailend, to satisfy the mob and accompany their imbibe. We all settled in for a moment of reflection, on the run and catch up with old mates, before Licker announced the first of three courses of our sumptuous feast was ready. A heartening chickpea curry soup prepared by Licorice Nipples was served and it was a very tasty. That followed, by a chicken or lamb curry on a bed of rice – yummy! Listening to all the mutterings around, it was very well received and we felt spoilt. “But wait there’s more”, Licker served up a caramel dumpling dessert with custard. These Harriettes should be applauded for their sumptuous feast they conjured up tonight.

The circle was called by Licker and the officiating began, with a combination of Weak As, All Fours and Licker presiding. Weak As, in his element ran a well conducted Sunny Coast circle, only pausing when Licker interjected with disdain! Wonky got a well deserved down, for a magnificent trail, set in trying conditions. The ‘three amigos’ got a down for the nosh and nibblies. Other down downs were for a selection of Sunshine Coast Hashers like Sir Kimby, Pontious and a few more to mention if we could remember their names or why they were charged! All Fours finally took over, tried to get some semblance of order but gave in and cracked a few jokes re. her Asian heritage. Something about “OH NO, NOT RICE AGAIN!!” and why Asians have slanty eyes. Eventually, even Weak As ran out of puff and the circle was concluded. In the blink of an eye, everyone was gone, rushing home to see ‘Farmer wants a Wife’.

In conclusion, a top night considering the weather. I didn’t do the run obviously, due to the red wine shortage or should I say ‘bloody’ GM locked it in her car, so I had to go to Dan Murphy’s instead!

On On

Ma’ Dog

Run: #2245 1st June run – WINTER is here early

Run: #2245 1st June run – WINTER is here early

Date: Monday 29/5/23

Location: Tewantin

Hares: Mother Trucker & Kaffir

A rather select group of hashers gathered at the Wooroi Day Use Area, located opposite the Carramar Aged Care. A rather surprising location (well, to me anyhow as a relatively newcomer) in Tewantin which is essentially in the bush. Kaffir did not disappoint with runners and walkers trails and no traffic to contend with!

Initially, it was a little slow going with many checks, the walkers doing a lot of stationary checks but eventually the lovely trails lead to open spaces, going up and down and a lot of running to do. On many occasions, we had to run through Kondom and Minder taking up the whole path as they were busy chatting and walking. The pack soon petered off with the runners and walkers split. Lazy Prick led most of the way with Next Week, All Fours and Nafa lagging behind. There were the Glider, Wooroi and Powerline Tracks, which are excellent walking and mountain biking trails. We didn’t see much wildlife, apart from hashers but there were two bike riders.

All the walkers and runners seem to come in together as it was getting dark. The walkers report was given by Insultan who loved my well marked off trail of tiny arrows on little stones – there wasn’t much real estate to put marks on in the first place! The runners report was given by Next Week, who said the first bit that Mother Trucker set was perfect and the rest was shit. A great 6km run with a 96m elevation gain, in the bush and back under an hour!

Charges for the week were for:

  • Ma’ Dog & chip off the old block son, Mad Cock – who claims he doesn’t swear, drink or take after his old man!
  • Graham (visitor) who has hashed in different places before, saw chalk marks in Tewantin and knew it must’ve been the hash. He also lives near to a bloke called Russell aka Whinger
  • Nafa, who will be going away for months, sang his own goodbye song
  • Hoarder & Tailend were absent for 3 weeks travelling around the ‘STANS’ i.e. Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (I did have to look them up to spell them!)
  • Biggles is a talented hasher who is ambidextrous – he can use two torches at the same time with his left and right hand! He claims he took two torches on the run, as one was for the visitor, when in fact he didn’t need any at all!
  • Dance experts: Ma’ Dog doing the Nutbush City last weekend away while Beams was doing the Brooklyn Shuffle as he pulled a hammie and was shuffling along the trail tonight
  • All Fours – when Wet Check pointed out that she put on the Hash Trash the run date was 1st June when it was only 29th May. Beams said everyone else noticed but were too polite to say anything…

As it got darker and colder, some lovely hot Ham & Pea soup with garlic bread was served! Thanks to Mother Trucker and Kaffir for this weeks hash frivolities as we were done and dusted and out of the park by 6:30pm!

On On
All Fours