Run #2237 – Birthday Boy’s Bush Bashing…
Run #2237 – Monday 3 April 2023
Hare: Weak As
Location: Noosaville
Birthday Boy’s Bush Bashing…
Our birthday boy and hare Weak As, started the run at the Eenie Creek Road just behind the Salvos store in Noosaville. The trail lead us through the industrial sites around Rene, Action and Production Streets. Finally, we came across some virgin territory off Hoffman Drive, near the Noosa Civic and reached the drink stop. The drink stop was ably assisted by ‘a pair of good knees’ between them aka Boobs and Delilah.
The runners trail went from new roads/development area into the bush. Beams was convinced that we were heading towards the Noosa Aerodrome, whereas Nafa did his usual and went off and did some alternate route. It was getting dark in the bush but luckily most of us had torches. Weak As, cleverly lead the runners back to the Hoffman Drive new roads near the drink stop, crossing the road to loop back into the Noosa Civic shopping centre towards home. A great 5.95km trail for the runners and a 4km (ish) for the walkers. Top Down, Woof Woof and Whistleblower were all fast walkers but didn’t complain it was too short! Even Unremarkable and Screamer thought it was a very pleasant jaunty stroll for those who are over 70 years old! While we’re on the topic of seniors, Screamer said they don’t do carparking spaces for seniors anymore – probably because there’s too much demand for them!
Minder kept on wanting to know when the raffle would be drawn which we gave him a down down for his eagerness. He also said that he couldn’t hear me as it was too dark – I think he should’ve gone to Spec Savers (they do glasses as well as hearing aids!).
Tonight, we must’ve had a very competitive sporty bunch with Ma’ Dog having gone white water rafting got crutch rot – no competition here with No Crutch! Delilah was having a midnight swim (pissed) when he fell down the stairs and hurt his knee. So, if Delilah and Boobs got together, they would be OK for a 3 legged race or knocking knees?! Not to be outdone by these sportsmen, Digit Digester and Hairy Mickey both achieved their 100 runs award.
We had a new member that’s actually an old one – Breathless! He drew the ‘free’ raffle which Plucker Duck from Gold Coast won – a chocolate and beer tower complete with a pair of bunny ears. Weak As and Lusharse shared birthdays. Jokes were told by Beams (masturbating dinosaurs) and Weak As (not getting enough action on his birthday).
A very tasty nachos was expertly cooked by Weak As and many assistants – he even provided us with special containers so you didn’t have to even dirty your own plate! Many thanks to Weak As for the food, run and beer – what more could you ask for?!