Run: #2271 – Biggles flies under the radar…

Run: #2271 – Biggles flies under the radar…

Date: Monday 27/11/23
Location: Noosaville
Hare: Biggles

Even with a light sprinkling of rain, it didn’t deter the hashers who came along to support Biggles (not a virgin, not a pilot for Virgin Airlines but a virgin hare for Noosa). Quite a few hashers asked me who this Biggles was and if he was new – well, now you know!

Starting from the Tewantin Noosa Lions Park, next to the Yachtie Club we encountered our first check. Whistleblower was striding off to the left in search of trail withTriar F closely behind while most went right and over the walk bridge. We followed along the Noosa Waters and headed over to the newer Noosa Waters housing estate, namely past the hare’s house on Ely Street. There were plenty of checks, false trails/on backs to keep us together and a walkers and runners split. We cut through the Good Shepherd school carpark, skirted along the Walter Hay Dr to loop back into Noosa Waters estate only to go come back out at the other end to Saltwater Ave. By this time, those who knew the area had ample chances to cut back on any of the streets back to Gympie Terrace. Those who stuck on the trail reached James Street before getting onto the home straight along the Noosa River and it was still another kilometre to get back. It was just getting dark but we could see the lovely red and white baubles lit, hanging on the trees next to the sheltered BBQ area. All in all, it was rather a delightful run of 7.27km recorded on Strava!

The run report was given by Weak As – it would have been good but thought there were too limited choices of where to run along Gympie Terrace and he thought the hare(s) decided to stop marking trail, so he scored it 1/10 and called it ‘SH*T’. I didn’t think that sounded fair, so I asked for a second option with Mozzie giving a walkers perspective. She thought it was wonderful, no real rain, scenic enough stroll through Noosa Waters and along the river and she scored it 8/10!

Down downs were:

  • Triar F – Hashit Award for 2 reasons: at the very first check he decided to continue walking even though he knew it was an On Back and insisted we follow; raided his piggy bank & gave Hash Cash a dozen pieces of silver for a drink!
  • Afterbirth- visitor from Sydney Larrikins who gave us the story on how he got named as soon as his wife gave birth…
  • Weak As – a double charge for his shenanigans @ the Mekong Hash. He was thrown in jail for upsetting the locals by wearing the flag as his sarong and flashing the ‘star’, also he carried opened alcohol through customs (naughty boy!)
  • Digit Digester, Treadie, Weak As – returnees hash tragics from the Mekong Hash
  • Elite Athletes: Miss Belinda Snogs & Ma’ Dog – Snogs walked really fast on the runners trail after explaining what her training diet was today (banana cake with lashings of whipped cream & choc mint slice), Ma’ Dog was training so hard he pulled his groin muscle (or was it a pain in the arse?)
  • More Athletes: Nafa – not wearing a shirt to show off his body when people in the park thought it was a pregnant woman running. Afterbirth – rolled up his shirt showing off his mid drift (six pack or was it a keg?)
  • Insultan – another naughty boy, nicked the Coffs Harbour H3 banner and wanted everyone to deface it with permanent markers. He tried to blame someone else for taking it (a tall person?!)

It was then, pizzas, garlic bread and accompaniments of a selection of salads was served – we were suitably impressed! Thanks to our hare Biggles who wasn’t flying solo but had a co-pilot Nafa who set a fabulous run! On On to Amamoor next week as we head into our crazy season of festivities…

On On
All Fours

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